Friday, January 30, 2015


Flu?! Ain't nobody got time fo dat.

We had stuff to do.

So although we were not yet 100% yet, we were fever free...

And we plowed on...

Collecting food for a local food bank...

Opening happy mail...

Starting new sewing projects...

Cleaning and disinfecting the house...

& rewarding ourself for cleaning and disinfecting the house with new hand towels...

Being super cute for preschool pictures....

Opening the sunroof...
Hold on. Back the bus up. Opening the sunroof?! In January?!
True story.
77 degree days in the middle of winter are the best mood boosters ever. Especially after being quarantined in the house for a week.

Working with our Destination Imagination team on writing our Central Challenge script and completing Instant Challenge tasks...

Doing our Kindergarten homework...

Snuggle lovin this cute bear cub...

Drinking coffee to keep up...

Baking cookies for Ab's class for her birthday...

Icing Ab's cookies....

Still icing Ab's cookies...

Avoiding the glitter in my coffee...

And putting on new Jamberries for the epic Pocahontas party...

Like a boss.

Take that flu.

We are done.

We've moved on.


1 comment:

  1. If I had an 8th of your determination, I'd be happy! You rocked the week! Like a boss.
