Thursday, July 3, 2014

Circus Photo Mini Session!!!

Is there anything more whimsical than a Circus?!

I mean seriously! The excitement and wonder of childhood is captured under the big top! If we could just bottle up that sense of awe.

I will always remember going to the circus with my brothers and sisters as a kid. Getting cotton candy, being captivated by the tightrope walkers, watching the animals...

Today we captured that essence of childhood excitement. In a photo shoot. A photo shoot I will cherish forever. Because nothing can articulate the pure bright, personality of my children like this photo can.

I cannot even handle all that is in this photo!


To me there is nothing more valuable than capturing these fleeting moments. I will cherish these moments forever. The essence of AJ starting to seem so big all of a sudden...Abby's flair for dramatics...Brody's little old man soul wrapped up in a little boy.

If you are local, you can capture all this with your kids too! Don't miss out! Sharon Arnoldi is doing an awesome circus themed mini session on July 17th and July 19th!

Her work is incredible! And I can say that from many photo sessions with her where my kids were uncooperative bundles of energy, but we ended up with soooo many amazing pictures! That my friends is priceless!

Oh Abby. You are something. And these pictures say it all...

Don't miss out! Spots are still available!

Details are on Sharon's blog:









1 comment:

  1. Darling, darling!!
    Those are too precious-
    Abby definitely had a way of capturing the spotlight!!
    And AJ's bowtie is charming!
