Saturday, July 26, 2014

Camp Cool AJ

AJ likes to be called Cool AJ. He says it's his pen name like famous authors have. He's been doing it for two years now, and it stuck.

Cool AJ turned 8 last week, and we had a camping themed party and back yard camp out. It was one of the most fun bday parties we have planned yet.

The kiddos each received a flashlight as a party favor, along with a nerf gun they used for an intense game of capture the flag.

We had a trail mix bar...

I ordered his birthday shirt from Etsy. We set up a huge tent we borrowed from a friend. The kids made "lanterns" with glue, tissue paper, and mason jars as they arrived.

AJ requested dirt cake instead of a traditional cake.

We played Slurpin' For Worms with our hands behind our backs and gummy worms in whipped cream.

We made s'mores.

We played Cheeto Head with shower caps, shaving cream, and Cheeto Puffs. It was hilarious.

We had an obstacle coarse and target practice with our nerf guns to prepare for Capture the Flag.

We played Glow in the Dark Ring Toss.

And we slept in a tent in the back yard.

It was an awesome birthday celebration with an awesome group of friends.

1 comment:

  1. Can I just tell you how epic this party was? Out of this world, best ever. These boys will be talking about this party when they're seniors and begging to recreate it!
