Friday, April 18, 2014


Happy Good Friday!

So excited for Easter this weekend!

April is flying by.

We got this visitors guide in the mail this week!

Charleston, South Carolina!

For 4 days! Without kids!

Exactly how ten years of marriage should be celebrated!

Southern comfort food, beaches, sweet tea, fresh seafood, a lighthouse.

I can't wait to stroll through the farmers market in a sundress with Andy.

Seriously this girls dream.

June can't come soon enough!

Sundress and flip flops! Now that's more like it Colorado!

I could get used to this.

A friend gifted me with Easter M&M's this week.

I ate the entire bag.

I have no self-control.

Love those spring colors! Especially that periwinkle and teal together. Can't get enough of that color combo. It needs to be an Easter dress!

And purple. I'm really into purple this season.

We were blessed to hang out with Great Grandma Joyce last Saturday.

We fit in breakfast, a soccer game, and lunch.

I hung out with 400 teenagers Monday night for a huge Young Life club.
400 kids on a Monday night just hanging out and learning about Jesus.
That's what I want my kids to be doing as teenagers.
The message was...
Often times our actions determine our verdict, but what if we reversed our thinking and consider allowing the verdict to determine our actions.
The verdict is in: Jesus died for us...
Now, how are our actions going to reflect that.
He loves us. He suffered and died for us. He forgave us.
Talk about being inspired to go out and be the good in the world.

AJ had a make-up soccer game this week.

He's much more in the game this season.

Brody likes going to the play on the playground.

My MJ order came in!
Happiest box ever!
Ribbons and ruffles and super cute fabric! Be still my heart.
It totally inspired me to clean out my closet!
Now that is some serious inspiration.

Have a wonderful Easter weekend with your fam!

I plan to!


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