Friday, March 28, 2014

Insta-Friday Spring Break Edition


What an awesome week.

Weeks like this make me stop and take in how truly blessed I am.

Blessed with awesome kids. Awesome friends. An awesome husband.

An awesome life.

We kicked off the week with bowling...

Pizza and the arcade...
I sewed a lot this week.
It felt good to stay up all night sewing again.
It's my therapy.
Good for the soul I tell ya.

Ab requested a pink and orange cape with bunnies...


I pulled it off. She was one happy girl.

I sewed 16 ninja masks for one of the most awesome 6 year old's I know.
Andy ironed almost all the 128 edges and 64 straps...
Totally a blog worthy task.
I hate ironing...hate it.
Almost as much as I hate putting gas in my car.
He does that too.

I made my first ever poodle skirt for a friend's daughter's school play.

I love poodle skirts.

I made Girlfriend an outfit out of the fabric she picked out.
Love the back.

We went and saw Mr. Peabody and Sherman with our BFF's.

It was Brody's first movie.

He was pretty much in Heaven with his own tub of popcorn.

He kept getting excited and yelling, "whoa!"

It was the best.

I rocked my new Matilda Jane Capri pants (most.comfortable.things.ever)

and got to wear flip flops.

It felt like spring, and I felt more alive because of it!

We had a photo play date with friends!


Truly if you are local, her work is phenomenal.

Ab is rocking her new Matilda Jane threads.
And now you know why I am head over heels in love with Matilda Jane.
How can anyone resist this stuff?!
We played dress up with this dapper fellow.
Be still my heart.
This boy has my heart in the palm of his hand.
That smile. Those eyes. That blonde hair.

Momma got a new phone. In the cutest color scheme ever.

Because bright happy colors just make me happy.

I got an email for a free Shutterfly book the other day, but it had to be ordered that day.

I needed to take advantage of this awesome deal, but I had to work fast.

So I needed a theme to pull pictures from.

I picked Instagram, but I'm kinda addicted and have thousands of I was pondering a more narrow subject field when the theme popped out at me.


A total story of this momma's life unfolded as I uploaded 54 selfies from the last year.

It's a fun book. It was free.

Take selfies. With your kids. With your sisters. With your friends. Just you.

Those fleeting moments are pretty monumental when all linked together.

I had a girls night of shopping, fries, and frozen custard with my Young Life Capernaum girls.

Young Life is doing life with kids. Teaching them Jesus' love.

It's passion and purpose in good times with good people.

It's powerful.

Brody sharing a snack with a friend.

Love these moments among the loads of laundry and tripping over toys all over the floor.

This is the extent of my crafting with kids over spring break.
And although it was a pretty simple craft, if you have ever painted a small curious toddler's hand with neon know those moments between neon paint covered hand to paper and hand to the sink were tension filled moments.
The irony of. This boy. In this shirt. Is too much for me to handle.
Girlfriend was adamant that she wear her fish hat to the fish fry.
And it just made me smile.
Legit Lent attire right there.


Pretty much rocked.

Love my life. Right here. Right now.


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