Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Posting real quick because I have at least ten other things I should be doing right now.

I can't believe Christmas is in 22 days.

Life is overwhelmingly crazy right now.

I'm trying to manage my freak outs and take in the season.

I'm a bad procrastinator, and I'm a planner...

Dangerous combo this time of year.

I procrastinate and procrastinate

and then I FREAK OUT that every little detail isn't planned and prepared.

Poor Andy. Pray for that man. He lives through it and still loves me.

Here's Ab trying on mommy's lip gloss.

Love that girl.

Somebody please tell Brody that the drawers on the hutch are not stairs built in just for him to get to things mommy puts out of his reach.

His sense of adventure and determination may exceed that of his sister.

Which is a terrifying thought. And usually result in my heart stopping at least three times a day.

Andy and I had a date night last weekend.
It was delightful.
We had lunch with grandma Joyce, grabbed Starbucks, walked around stores...

picked up Wingstop (my fave!)...

had dinner and dessert, and played games with good friends.

It was so refreshing.

Then we picked up a sick Brody and Abby and AJ who over the course of the next several days followed suit...puking all over the house. It was a fun Thanksgiving break.

And can I just say $5 for a bottle of Pedialyte?! What's wrong with this world?! Seriously that's redonkulous. Yes my child is sick...I'm dealing with projectile bodily fluids...please rob me in order for me to rehydrate him.

Dear Pedialyte,

Santa is watching.

So is Jesus.

And they know your profit margin.

Just saying.

We crafted...for about ten minutes.

The smaller paper plates would have better matched the attention span of my crafters.

But half-way done wreaths are still half-way festive.

Love how he plays in the windowsill.

It's so sweet and peaceful how content he is there.

This girl comes upstairs from the basement in the best outfits.

Totally Fairy Godmother attire girlfriend.

Love that he is starting to get pulled into books.

We had a lovely play date with friends one day. Us moms even got to sit on the couch for a few brief moments and chat over coffee.
That was the most delicious cup of coffee in my entire life.
It was good. Like close your eyes and the world melts away kind of good.

This was Thanksgiving morning.

Me in my pj's. Drinking a cold Dr. Pepper. Andy slaving over food prep.

I am so blessed.

He always has lots of helpers.

That leave brooms and step stools and tractors scattered around the floor.

And sometimes serenade him.

Thanksgiving was amazing.

I ate a lot.

Then it was Black Friday.

Andy and the kids went to Home Depot.

And came home with this gigantic stuffed dog.

What the heck Andy?

Side note: I strongly dislike stuffed animals.

I even more strongly dislike gigantic ones.

But the kids are over the moon about gigantic stuffed animals.


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