Friday, November 1, 2013

Insta-Friday Halloween Week Edition

Whew. What.a.week.

I'm exhausted.

That's an understatement.

Started out with AJ's soccer game.

Ab and Brody play on the playground near by during AJ's games.

Andy and I tag team it and split up each half of the game so we each get to see part of his game. It works. Everyone is happy.

If there is a way to challenge the normal realm of how to do something, Ab will do it.

I mean why crawl through the tube when you can see if you can climb on top and balance walking across it?

Seriously Abby.

I am the Box Top Coordinator at the kids' school.

Checking expiration dates, trimming, and counting Box Tops isn't so bad the first hour and a half...then it becomes a special kind of torturous hell to push through.

But there are these three amazing saints that help me. I love them. They are kind and patient and the best people on earth.

We got together this week after the Box Top collection deadline at the school and had a checking/trimming/counting/bundling party at my house.

We ate snacks, chatted, and did the Box Top thing for 4 hours solid. It was the best thing ever.

The boys went on a scouting hike during the Box Top party and saw a rattlesnake. Barf.
Ab has been begging to have a tea party forever.
So we invited the girls from her preschool class and prepped for the grand affair!

The party was a success!

The girls were adorable to watch and listen to.

This fall weather calls for jeans and hoodies. Love it.

This little guy is our book lover.

It melts my heart how he carries books around all the time.

So sweet and special.

The beautiful fall weather suddenly turned to freeze-our-butts-off weather this week. And hot chocolate was in order.

I finally bundled the last of the Box Tops and shipped off 12,788 of those tiny pieces of gold on Wednesday. Wahoo!
Mission accomplished.

Dressed AJ is this t-shirt this week.

I just think it's hilarious.

Very mature. I know.

I just can't help it. She tortures that boy like only a little sister can.

And he's the oldest and doesn't retaliate. Most of the time.


I laugh every time I read it.

(Disclaimer: I love Ab more than the world. We know this.)

I love seeing those mountains every day.

It never gets old.

They are breathtaking every single day.

Geared up for trick or treating this week!

Candy and glow sticks!

Oozing body parts candy! So gross, yet so cool!

I love this holiday!

Helped with AJ's party at school and watched the costume parade!

So fun!

I love that his school gets into Halloween so much!

Dressed up as a high schooler this year.

That embroidered dance team sweatshirt was the 1999.


Check all those debate medals. That jacket weighs a ton.

I am such a dork.

I'm okay with that.

Here was my date.
We rocked it.

Pizza party with the neighbors!!!

Love, love, love this tradition every year.

Trick or treating with a Dino loose in the hood.

It was a good Halloween!

Now bring on the turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie!



  1. I'm assuming that Kaesi and Andy were angels, if they aren't included in the saint total.
    I do love the orange shirt, too. You are not alone.
    Also, the sweatshirt is even cooler because it's paisley. I mean seriously why aren't we still wearing that stuff? HA!

  2. Chance,
    I was hoping you would post today! You have been one crazy busy mama! I love the fun. It looks like you all had a great Halloween!
