Friday, August 16, 2013

Insta-Friday Loving Life

This was a good week.

Let's be honest here,

back-to-school time is one of the most wonderful times of the year.

I love my kids.

I love spending time with my kids.

But I love not having to entertain them all day too.

I love the exciting new beginnings for them.

The getting up and around early part is a bit rough,

But having a routine is soothing to me.

Girlfriend goes to Pre-K 4 afternoons a week, so we still get to play all morning after we drop AJ off at school.

And play we do.

I've been walking in the evenings with a neighbor.

I love being outside taking nature in.

Last weekend we had dinner with good friends.

It was so perfect to enjoy good food and visit as our kids all played together.

I love seeing kids develop strong friendships.

And we all know I love good food.

I try and get up early enough to have some liquid encouragement before the kids get up.

These peaceful moments are so delicious.

I savor them.

They center me before the craziness begins.

They are delightful.

They make me a better mom.

Then the chaos begins.
Clean clothes.
Teeth brushing.
Snacks, lunches, and water bottles packed.
Shoes tied.
Car seats and seat belts buckled.

Brody has become very fond of his mega blocks.

It's so sweet how he carries them around and sets them up.

Abby loves to take care of her baby doll and carry around her stuff in her many bags. It's fun to capture a glimpse into her play world.

Lovin' my roses.


I finally got Brody's name up on his wall.

Seriously, go shop at The Vinyl Company.

It will make you smile.

Brody and I read books before his nap time after we drop Abby off at school.

He says, "books, books."

It's our special time together.

One of my most favorite parts of the day.

I savor these moments with him cuddled up on my lap.

I embellished some notecards this week with some fabric garland
during nap time.
It was a fun, fast little project.

And I may have eaten brownies straight out of the pan with a spoon in my giddy back-to-school joy...

I assure you the dishes were all done & all the laundry was caught up & the entire house was clean.

(I promise.)

Abby, Brody, and I enjoyed a trip to the mall one morning.
The Disney Store and Godiva.
Does it get any better than that?!
It was a happy, exciting, joyful week.
I love this season of my life.

Have a great weekend!

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