Sunday, July 14, 2013

AJ's Crazy Hot Wheels Party

AJ turns 7 on Tuesday.
It's so wild for me to think that I will have a 7 year old.
He is my first baby, and those memories seem so fresh.
I remember being huge in the middle of July,
with a baby in my belly three days past his due date.
And here we are celebrating his 7th birthday.
This year he wanted a Hot Wheels party.
It's a good, totally boy theme.
He helped me with the traditional sidewalk chalk writing.
Every year he reminds that we need to do sidewalk chalk.
I admire a boy that values traditions.
We had balloons and banners.
Because they are just fun and festive.

AJ was super excited to wear his reverse appliqué 7 shirt.

I know one day he won't be so excited to wear a shirt with his age on it for his bday, so I'm gonna milk it while I can.

We had party snacks and drinks.
We had a ridiculously large water inflatable
that took up the ENTIRE back yard.
We survived the insanity of the rain and 28 soaking wet, over excited children crowded into our living room unplanned.
And the impromptu gift opening to fill time.
The OCD teacher in me, that craves structure and order was having an aneurysm as the kids descended on the gifts like locusts.
It was seriously just plain crowd control for about 30 minutes in our little living room until we could go back outside.
Then the door bell rang as the pizza arrived.
Thank God.
That pizza delivery dude was my best friend in that moment.
We ordered a cake from King Soopers with whip cream frosting.
I love whip cream frosting.

AJ blew out his candles before we sang happy birthday.


We gave out cookies and Hot Wheels as party favors.

We laughed a lot and rolled with the insanity.

Thanks to amazing moms that just jump in to help.

This big kid is loved a lot

and blessed with the most thoughtful, fun-loving friends.

It was one memorable party up in Crazytown.


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