Friday, May 31, 2013

Insta-Friday Capricious Style

Friday to Friday.

Here we go! From Memorial Day weekend to the start of summer break.

One adventure after another.

Because everything you do with 3 kids is an adventure.

We started Memorial Day weekend driving up to the mountains,

and going for a little hike with another fam.

That poor other family.

We have been wanting to get the kids Camel Baks for awhile, and they were on Ab got a pink one and AJ a blue one.

We were pumped for this hike.

And well hydrated.

A little too well hydrated.

Each kid stopped 5 times to pee.

And then someone had to poop.

On a hike in the mountains...with another family.

It was lovely.

Damn Camel Baks.

After our hike, we met up with two other families.

9 kids, 2 condos.

One big party for 3 days.

We went paddle boating and fed the fish and ducks.

We drank margaritas, ate candy, watched 80's movies, climbed on rocks, held hands with BFF's, ate ice cream, celebrated a bday with delicious coconut cake, and had s'mores pancakes with marshmallow syrup for breakfast.

It was awesome.

Random rainbow picnic bench in the mountains.
Made me happy.

AJ had his Park Day to celebrate the end of the school year.

Bubbles, jump ropes, sidewalk chalk, water guns, friends and push pops.

Good times.

Random happy rainbow umbrella at Home Depot.

My BFF gifted me with this super cute, perfect for summer bracelet.

So in love with it.

Like plan my outfits around it and want to wear it everyday.

I worked on a custom order.

So fun for a family photoshoot on the beach!

Loving the color orange lately.

We made our summer bucket list.

I got the best birthday box ever.
And opened it early.
I have no will power.
But I have fake eye lashes now!

We made our traditional friendship bracelets we wear every summer.

I started VBS prep.

It's going to be over the top cool.

Because VBS should be over the top cool.

We made pictures with wet chalk.
The picture appears as the chalk dries.
This little guy is sporting a farmer's tan already.
So funny.
Love it.

And now summer break is in full swing.

We are going to rock this.


1 comment:

  1. I love those rainbow picnic tables! And I need to do seasonal bucket lists, that's a great idea. Have a great week, girlie. xo, ab
