Friday, March 22, 2013

Insta-Friday Randomness In Crazytown

Hello Friends.
Hello Friday!
Hello Spring Break!
I kicked last weekend off with a fabulous girls night.
Papa John pizza with banana peppers, Dr. Pepper, pie, & crafting!
Saturday I wondered around a dreamy fabric store and had lunch with my BFF. We bought this shirt pattern & can't wait to make it! And I took a yard and a half of that anchor ribbon home because it was love at first sight! Not sure what to do with it...what do you think?!
Andy bought me a mountain bike off Craig's list.
I'm so excited to hit the trails!
This is just the beginning. Totally a starter bike. I aspire to be like those guys up at Winter Park with chest plates and full on body gear.
We spent a lot of time riding bikes last weekend...
around the burbs.
Which meant Brody got his first lil bike helmet.
So stinkin' cute!
Pretty sure I don't rock the bike helmet like little man.
We made corned beef and cabbage this week, found gold from a leprechaun, and painted our nails like a rainbow.
That adorable boy that rocks his new bike helmet like nobody's business...
Got into Ab's hair basket & dumped thousands of those tiny elastic rubber bands EVERYWHERE.
It was lovely.
I finished Christopher Pike's book Remember Me.
It was dark and twisted like all his books.
They are about death, the afterlife, vampires, yogis, demons, angels, faith, ghosts, aliens...
They are out there.
The thing about his books is that there is always an element of spirituality in them that keeps drawing me back.
It's like he has to go to the darkest of dark to illustrate the light of the good.
We went for frozen yogurt after AJ's parent teacher conference.
It's always entertaining to see what they end up with.
It's never about the frozen yogurt to my family.
It's about the toppings.
The frozen yogurt is just a technicality that allows the toppings.
A trip to Yourtini never disappoints.
I am a sucker for Snow White.
Thank you Disney Store for taking away all my sense of practicality...
and all my money.
We are going to rock the pool scene this summer.
It's officially spring break even if the forecast looks more like winter break.
Thank you Mother Nature.
We gifted AJ's teacher with Bath & Body Works new Fresh Picked strawberry line for spring break.
Because we can day dream of warmer weather.
I printed this adorable free tag from

Have a great weekend!


  1. The rubber band fiasco is so every day isn't it! Made me smile. Blessings!

  2. Your kids are SO cute! And, how fun.. we love riding our bikes. When it's not freezing out!

  3. That lunch and fabric store date with your bff is my cup of tea! :) Looks like you had a busy week with your super cute kids.
