Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Hi friends!

Sorry for the delay.

I'm still alive.

Thanks for the well checks.

It's just been crazy busy up in Crazytown. Yo.

We did make it to the Chinese New Year festival.

And it was delicious and festive.

AJ was satisfied with our cultural experience.

AJ and I made it out of the house for a little mama and son time.
It was fun to have him all to myself.
He tried to order a cheeseburger...at Chick-fil-A...
And an ice cream Saturday instead of an ice cream sundae.
He landed the closest guess out of the entire restaurant of how many mints were in a jar and won 100 mints, a gift card, and stuffed cow.
He said it was the best night of his life.
It was a pretty awesome night.
It cracks me up that AJ disguised his penguin as Garfield.
I laugh and shake my head every time I walk past it.
It's just so perfectly his style.
Sunday doughnuts with the fam is pretty fabulous.
Ab never passes up a chocolate doughnut with sprinkles and strawberry milk.
I'm a classic glazed doughnut and chocolate milk girl myself.

Oh how I have to pump myself up for the the weekly meal plan, grocery list, and coupon quest.

It's a necessary evil.

But my least favorite part of the week.

I ran to the store for more milk with this fashionista one day.
She told me about a hundred times that she hoped someone noticed her shoes.
I'm pretty sure everyone that saw us noticed her shoes.

I woke up Valentines morning to this on my night stand.

It was an awesome thing to wake up to.

We went to AJ's party at school, spent the afternoon opening valentines and eating candy and had heart shaped pizza for dinner.
It was a good day.
I started a quilt for the silent auction at the kids' school.
And sent an adorable nephew a birthday box!

Here's to an on time Insta-Friday this week!


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