Friday, October 5, 2012

Insta Friday

It's Friday!!!
life rearranged
We celebrated the end of soccer season.
It was a short season.
I went to a girls night with teacher friends.
The kids started their Small Wonders classes.
Thank God.
My friend gifted me with more Southern Living magazines.
I love them.
I want to live in the country.
And have this barn in my back yard.
And have barn dances.
And have a huge tree with a swing.
And a strawberry patch.
And a farmhouse with a wrap around porch.
The kids went to the dentist this week.
AJ didn't have any cavities.  Yay.

Let's not talk about Abby.
We all know she has a sweet tooth. 

It didn't go well.

As in 3 follow up appointments scheduled and 
billing estimates into four digits.

Not my proudest parenting moment.
On a happier note...
I made a fun fall banner for my fabulous friend that gives me the Southern Living magazines!
I made more laundry detergent.
And got a couple extra fun smelly items.

These little items make me happy.

This is my life people.
Laundry is a big part of it.
Love me some fun fall mail from one of my sorellas!
This chick needed that package this week.
It snowed today.
I'm not kidding.
We wore ear muffs, winter coats, scarves, gloves, and hats to school today.
I do love winter coats and hats.
We may have...a few.
We went to ballet class.
And headed to McD for our usual Friday picnic at the park with AJ's classmates.

I love our afternoons playing together...
before he goes to school full time next year.

I'm glad we did morning Kindergarten.


  1. :)

    You'll have to show me how you make your detergent sometime. Looks fun!

    We love the banner :)

  2. Cripes, it's snowing there already?! It's still 85 here every day. I'm going to need lots of help transitioning if James gets this job in Denver. Especially if we move in January, ugh. I don't even know where my winter coats are. He had his interview last week, and he expects to know one way or the other by mid-November. I'll keep you posted!
