Monday, April 2, 2012

Last Week's Insta Friday

Feels like I've been gone forever.

Last week the kids were on spring break.
I spent the beginning of the week getting ready for our big road trip,
and the second part of the week in Kansas with the greatest family in the world.

life rearranged

Before trip preparations began, I saw Hunger Games with my BFF.
The movie was pretty good, but man I forgot how good Junior Mints are.
I have to buy those things more often.

We polished off that gigantic tub of popcorn...and got a refill.
Wow. That was a lot of salty buttery goodness.

I don't know about you, but I pictured Rue more pixie like...
and never envisioned President Snow as a Santa look alike.
The weather last week was gorgeous.
Our trees starting blooming.
Spring was in the air.
On day one of the kids' spring break, I attempted to take them to the Zoo.
If you look closely, over to the left of the picture you can see how close I got.
We sat there for about 30 minutes after waiting 20 minutes to turn onto that street...
because every other person in the entire city of Denver...
possibly the entire state of Colorado also took their kids to the Zoo on the first day of spring break.
From there, we looked for a parking spot within 2 miles of the Zoo for another 20 minutes.

I'm not flippin' kidding.
It was worse than the mall the weekend before Christmas.

It was painful.

We left and went to Monkey Bizness.
Where I found a parking spot right away and walked right in.
It's a good thing I had this.
We discovered Brody hates peas.
It's hilariously entertaining.
I discovered I'm addicted to Draw Something.
This stuff is amazing.
Amazing I tell ya.
You can buy 12 milk bottles for $30 online...
or you can turn these little guys...
into these adorable guys for only $13 from Costco with a little hot water and elbow grease.
Plus you get to drink all that fabulous coffee beverage.

I love paper straws.
Don't they just scream classic, sophisticated party time?
They were perfect for my sis' 30th birthday celebration...
that was in Kansas.
So Thursday I saw a lot of this...
and did a lot of this...

The trip was awesome.

Awesome people.
Awesome food.
Awesome hotel.
Awesome travel companions.

I promise to tell all...


  1. Love Clinique Moisture Surge. It is our "go to" for burns. Curling iron, cooking, glue gun whatever, if you or the kiddos get burned, put it on instanly. It takes the sting away and unless you have really burned yourself badly, it won't blister! :)

  2. Chance Brody and Mike's Olivia look like they could be twins.
