Friday, April 13, 2012

Insta Friday

Hello friends!
Happy Friday!

According to my 9 News weather app, we are suppose
to get rain and snow showers Sunday.

I could live without the rain and snow showers.
But then again, maybe I'll get to wear my new yellow raincoat.

Link up with your instagram pics!
It's addictive!
And fabulously fun.
life rearranged

Hold on tight, and try not to get whiplash from my random quantum leaps.
Because this post has no flow or transitions.
It is how I roll.

I've had a sore throat lately, so naturally a couple hot chai lattes from Starbucks were in order.
And this fun coffee cuff from Little Bit Funky makes any hot drink just that much better.
I got this message at the beginning of the week.
Whatever iphone.
It was only 1,800 something pictures.
Crisis averted.
Pictures downloaded to the laptop.
And we were back in business!
I love spring and hanging up the kids' bird feeders and bird houses.
We decided we need a bird bath now.
My BFF and I took advantage of The Melting Pot's Easter special.
And it was awesome.
But before dinner we walked around and had fabric lust at The Fancy Tiger.
I took this little pattern and a couple yards of this lovely fabric home to make that adorable summery night gown!
I can't freakin' wait to have time to sew like a hundred night gowns
in every funky vintagey fabric!
We used to have house plants many years ago...before we had kids.
Then AJ was born and two months later all my plants were dead from neglect.
But I decided I think I'm ready and can handle house plants again.
So my sis sent me home with a start from her spider plant and my MIL gifted me with that beauty of a peace lilly all the way over to the right of my mantel.

I can do this.
1 dog, 3 kids, 1 husband, a vegetable garden, 7 young trees and 2 house plants.
I can keep us all alive.
I hope.
I told AJ earlier this week that I was going out to water the said 7 young trees, and he looked at me and said, "Mom, are you even dressed yet?"

Apparently a tie-dye t-shirt, gaucho pants, and flip flops look like sleep apparel.

Two things about this photo:
This angle makes my boobs look huge...they are not.
And check out those veins on my feet...those things are huge.
This happy boy has taken to blowing raspberries while he eats.
Maybe I should start wearing my new raincoat to feed him.
That's how fun it is.
Andy bought 3 bags of jelly beans when they went on sale after Easter.
3 bags.
I was like, really?
Until I tried these!
Um, Tropical Starburst Jellybeans are now among my list of the greatest things on Earth.
I love a good deal.
6 men's shirts, a scarf, a pair of toddler shorts, and that rad heart skirt
Old Navy
Not too shabby.
Not too shabby at all.
This show is the funniest show ever.

I love Cam and Phil and Gloria.
Sometimes I'm just driving down the road...or washing dishes and think of an episode and
bust out laughing.

Like a crazy person.
His and Her mugs.
Every household needs them.
And here, I need your help.

I have an addiction to getting our pictures taken.
It's a problem...according to Andy.
I think it's a great.

Anyway, I told Andy we are getting our pictures taken for our anniversary.
No kids. Just me and Andy.
All romantic like.
Kinda like engagement pictures, only we are already married.
Fabulous right?!

I'm envisioning us in a field, me in a simple sundress and cowgirl boots...a turquoise necklace...some chunky bracelets...maybe a little denim jacket.
Hot, huh?!

Except, I can't decide on a dress.

What do you think?

Dress 1:

Dress 2:
Dress 3:

Thanks! Can't wait to hear your votes!


  1. Dress #3!
    Love the anniversary picture idea!

  2. Dress 3. But i still like the sold out yellow dress the best.

  3. 3 is cute, what store is that dress from?! Photos are a great idea, I really want family photos.

  4. i like the first one. with cowboy boots that would look awesome.
    love ya

  5. So jealous of your Melting Pot experience!! YUM! And good luck with keeping everyone alive... I totally feel your pain, except I only have 1 child ;) It truly can be a challenge to keep plants alive, though! Happy weekend!
