Friday, March 16, 2012

Insta Friday

Hellllo Friday!
We have big plans for St. Patrick's Day this weekend,
and I can hardly wait!

We always get all decked out in green, ride the light rail downtown,
watch the parade, and have corned beef and cabbage for lunch!
It's awesome.
My favorite part is how everyone on the light rail is also all decked out in green,
headed to the parade,
and laughing and visiting like we are friends.

Link up with your pics from this week!
Some weeks fly by, and I don't feel like I accomplished much...
until I relive the week in retrospect as I look over my insta-pics...
and realize dang, we did a lot this week.
It happens a lot.
life rearranged

I am loving this gorgeous capri and flip flop wearing weather!
I love food.
It seems to make a recurring appearance in my pics every week.
Lobster, shrimp, and crab legs!
OMG! This is my Heaven.
And I got to tell you Red Lobster has the best fries e.v.e.r.
Order them next time.
See more food.
Andy surprised us with Krispy Kreme one morning.
I love that man.
I'm not gonna lie.
Before we had kids, our dogs were our life.
Now...the poor dog is lucky to get much attention...other than being drug around by a kid.
Some days I would go to bed, and think did I feed Latte today?...I don't think I fed Latte today.
So we got these dog bowls.
Best purchase ever.
One less thing.
My hands crack and bleed.
Not cute.
So I've been on a quest to find something that works and doesn't leave my hands feeling sticky.
I am in love.
I hoard it in my purse.
It's fabulous.
And hummus is becoming a weekly staple on the grocery list.
Andy got his new truck this week.
It is hot.
I'm imagining trips to Sonic for happy hour this summer, looking at the stars in the truck bed, endless hours of the kids play camping back there...
It has air conditioned seats.
$2.42 at Target this week.
I love couponing.
It's guilt free shopping.
What is not to love?!
This little guy has a cold.
So we didn't see many of his smiles.
It is sad.
Hopefully he's on the mend.
AJ thought it would be fun to give Latte a bath this week.
Not sure Latte felt the same way.
I love this dog's spastic fur.
I tried to fix Abby's hair like a shamrock this week for school.
Not easy with a moving target.
But cute in the end.
I hate when the junk drawer gets so full just opening and closing it becomes a chore.
I usually avoid it for a while, and finally cleaned it out this week
when I couldn't take it any longer.
Giving the dog a bath was more enjoyable.
I got a lovely box in the mail this week in preparation for my sistah's
30th birthday celebration at the end of the month.
I am in love with Shop Sweet Lulu.
Fun, inexpensive party supplies.
Seriously, anywhere that sends you salt water taffy as a thank you
deserves your business.
Stripey paper straws in milk bottles.
Be still my heart.
Pint size berry baskets painted to match the party colors...
does it get any better?!
And 256 cut out felt shapes later,
I am ready to participate in my next busy bag exchange with 15 others.
Inspired by my neighbor, I made button snakes this time.
This exchange is with 15 other peeps...
16 different busy bags!

Top of the day to ya!
Have an awesome St. Pat's Day!

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