Monday, February 13, 2012

Kool Valentines

My kids love Kool-Aid.
I'm okay with them drinking it in limited quantities.

I have memories of drinking Kool-Aid at the baby sitters in little Kool-Aid man plastic cups...
like these as a kid.

It's a cool memory.
I might have to buy those little Kool-Aid plastic man cups,
so my kids get the full Kool-Aid drinking experience.
What am I saying? It's a done deal.
As soon as I post this, that set is as good as mine.
It's meant to be. 3 kids, 4 cups...leaving one for me.
Fate I tell ya.

That Kool-Aid man (Does he have a name?) is an authentic part of childhood to me.
And I'm a sucker for nostalgia.

So when AJ said he wanted Kool-Aid valentines this year,
I have to admit, I was pysced.
Now, the parents of Abby and AJ's classmates may not be crazy excited about these said Kool-Aid valentines...
but it's not like the time I put train whistles in the Easter eggs at the neighborhood Easter Egg hunt. I looked away when someone asked who did that.
Yeah, sorry about that neighbors. That wasn't very well thought out.

I did pick a flavor I thought wouldn't stain for this adventure.
You can print your own super kool valentines HERE.
The crazy straws were $1.99 for 8 at U.S. Constructive Playthings and
the Kool-Aid packets were 19 cents at King Soopers.

For the teachers, I went with chocolate.
Because I love them.


  1. Love the valentines!! Too cute. We made I love you more than juice valentines with little cars juice boxes. We really need to live closer, but there is too much snow for me in CO. Unless it means lots of snow days!

  2. I love your blog and featured it today on Party of Four giving you a Liebster Blog Award.
