Friday, October 14, 2011

Insta Friday

Get in on the Insta fun by heading over to Life Rearranged by clicking her button:
life rearranged

Gotta love the spastic excitement of a movie night in PJ's.

It snowed here last weekend! Seriously.
Making for a perfect day to sip hot tea and
snuggle in bed on Pinterest until lunch time...

Pumpkin Spice pancakes! Heavenly!
Truly, simply divine!

Fixins for a crock pot roast...

Running late for preschool drop-off stresses me out and
results in a post drop-off trip to Starbucks...
for a drink...
and maybe a piece of banana chocolate chip coffee cake.
(not the week to start tracking calories)

Festive pom-pom trim happiness.
I have big plans for these little guys...big plans.

And this is what my house looks like when I am taking care of Baby Brody
and the two older children are left to entertain themselves...

I love the knot hat.
And the little boy in the knot hat.


  1. Oh, you have a new little one???? Hes darling!!! So many cute things for babies now!!

    Enjoyed seeing your week!!

    Happy Friday

  2. Love babies with Pacifiers in their mouths-too cute!
