Sunday, September 4, 2011


I don't feel like doing anything...nothing at all.

Temps in the 60's, windows open, a cozy quilt, kids playing peacefully together...
homemade blueberry buttermilk pancakes, bacon, eggs, & a warm chai...
does it get any better than this?!
Wait. It does!
Lil' mini pumpkins
& big pumpkins growing in the garden...
A great deal on new shoes...
SAHM shoes that don't have heels...
Mommy time with the Ikea catalog...
(Wonder if I could squeeze in one more trip before Brody?)
Side note...
Check out these veins.
(I must have been a body builder in my past life.)
And this my friends is where I spend a big chunk of my time doing nothing...
in the glider, feet up, imagining being 20 pounds lighter and holding a brand new baby boy.
I l.o.v.e this thing! Thanks Lisa! This is my happy place.
Throw in some strawberry Twizzlers, a cold Dr. Pepper, some salty buttered popcorn
and a movie with friends tonight...

& I'm livin' the dream folks...livin' the dream.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're enjoying it! SAHM is the best job ever and anything to make it easier or even more enjoyable is something worth having!
