Friday, June 17, 2011

Little Secret

I stole some time during nap time the other day to make some cards.
Well, I kinda made them.
Here's my sneaky little secret...
I used two card making kits.
It was the only way I was going to get away with handmade cards...
well semi-handmade cards.
Since I've had kids, I'm okay with giving semi-handmade cards.
In fact, I think they are the greatest things on Earth.
Now I just need to write in them and actually get them in the mail.

One step at a time folks.


  1. I thought of you the other day when I saw subway art on a Kitchen Mixer. I was thinking it would be great on your sewing machines! I think I may have seen it on Tatertots and Jello....not for sure. Have a sunny day!!! Love ya, Jade

  2. Oh....Love the cards. I've been stealing lots of nap time in my craft room this summer!!!! It has been great. However, I need to make a sewing rules sheet...stitch straight lines, slow down, be patient, etc....
