Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Home Depot Saturdays

Home Depot does free kid workshops the first Saturday of the month for kids through age 12.

They are fabulous! The kids get aprons to take home,
all the building materials they need, and access to tools.

So Abby, AJ, Abby's baby doll, Andy, and I
ventured to our local favorite hardware store Saturday to enhance our handy skills.
Nothing like the sound of 75 kids banging away
to wake you up early in the morning.
The picture below is seconds after AJ missed the nail...
and nailed mommy's thumb...
It felt awesome.
We left with two fabulous valet organizers...
for their cell phones, pocket change, and keys.
We have made bug catchers and football holders in the past.
There's a special Father's Day Workshop Saturday the 18th
to make daddy a mini toolbox.

We'll be there with ear plugs and work gloves.


  1. i have always wanted to try that. me and the girls will have to go try it looks like fun. girlfriends dress is so cute i love it! stacey

  2. We were there too. Look forward to them each month. Maybe we'll see you on the 18th :)

  3. I've always wanted to do that too! Maybe I should actually write it on the calendar once....
