Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Undecided On This One

A dresser repurposed as an island...

Not sure if I love it or think it's trying too hard.
I always wanted an island, but our kitchen is so small.

This could be a perfect solution...

Maybe it's just the color that I'm struggling with...

What do you think?


  1. I think it could work if it were a color more complementary to the kitchen, if the front legs were not turned and were more like the back legs, if the legs in general were shorter--all in all, I think it would work if it were totally different! lol

  2. For a moment there, I thought you were going to actually use the thing for BOTH stated purposes. Oy. I think you need to put a large, random piece of furniture in your kitchen for a week, maneuver and trip around it, just to see if indeed you want to go through all the work of painting it yellow and dragging it into your kitchen. We all know it's going to be yellow. :)

  3. At first glance, I think it's cute-ish! And then I wonder what the heck that dresser is doing in the kitchen, disguised as an island. But if anyone can pull it off -- it'd be you!

  4. You'd have to find just the perfect dresser. I agree about the legs. And Miss G. has some great ideas about a trial run before all that extra work of really turning it into an island - although it can always go in another room as a dresser when it's all pretty yellow. :)
