Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Houndstooth And Banana Peppers

I appreciate fact I really get a kick out of it...

I am a meat and potatoes kind of girl.

I have drank excessive amounts of peppermint tea with this baby.

My second favorite color after yellow is kelly green.

I may indulge in a #1 Sonic cheese burger with mayo and ketchup, an order of cheddar peppers, & a medium cherry coke at least once a week...

I love black and white houndstooth.

I would live in yoga pants or gauchos, tank tops, and flip flops with my hair pulled back everyday if I could get away with it.

I think judgmental people really suck.

I think summers should be spent out on the deck with spontaneous BBQ' fancy-smancy stuff...just good food and good friends.

I always turn the sleeve on my Starbucks with the seam a little to the left and fold down the top corner to make a little triangle for my thumb to rest.

My favorite kind of cake is lemon cake.

I love chocolate milk but am only so-so on hot chocolate.

My all-time favorite romance novel is Whitney, My Love by Judith McNaught.

I am not a morning person.

I love Texan accents.

I wash the dishes before I load them in the dish washer...
yes I am one of those people.

I hate taking out the trash.

When I was a teenager I used to pray to God every night to have skin like a baby's...
I didn't know about baby acne.

I do not like snow.

Unfinished basements creep me out.

I always eat my Reese's peanut butter cups frozen and with a glass of milk...

My favorite part of a brownie is the crusty edge.

My favorite pizza topping is banana peppers.

I wonder how much the construction worker I see waving the Slow sign at me every morning gets paid and what's in his cooler by his feet?

I love when AJ tells me to stop being mean to his best friend if Abby gets sent to time-out.

And for the grand finale...

When I was pg with AJ I gained 67 pounds...
with Abby 35...
I am 17 weeks to date and have gained 17 pounds...
could have something to do with those cheddar peppers and frozen peanut butter cups...

but I'm cool with that.


  1. OMG, Chance. You are so cool, Girlfriend! I am in tears...LMBO

  2. I must love random too because I love you. Here are random things about me: I sing happy birthday to myself when I wash my hands (in my head of course). I count to six when I put things on my plate--any more and I don't think I could eat it all. :)
