Monday, February 21, 2011

What You've Been Waiting For

Starting at the end of May, I get to be a stay-at-home mom!

(at least for a year, then we will see what happens)

There it is! In writing!

This is really happening.

I have been holding my breath, biting my nails, and

just been plain too terrified to get excited.

But let’s face it. We spend what we make. I am tired, stressed to the max, and not rich.

My kids are growing up without me.

Life is short and uncertain.

It’s about time to simplify and prioritize around these parts.

I went to college straight out of high school, got two degrees, taught for 7 years…

I did what I thought was the responsible “next step in life”.

And I think being a working mom is over-rated.


I won’t get into the logistics of my chaotic day.

Long story short…

It is just seems impossible for me (this may not be true for everyone) to be a good teacher, a good wife, and a good mom.

I feel like most days our life style is about surviving, not truly living.

I want to fully take in my kids.

I don’t want to rush them into the car every morning.

I want to have time to make them breakfast and sit with them and visit as we eat it.

I want to drop them off at preschool and sign up for holiday party supplies.

I want to pick them up and ask what they did that day.

I want to have the time and energy to laugh and play with them in the evenings.

I want to make my husband dinner.

I will tell you right now, our house will not always be clean…

I will not always have an amazing dinner on the table…

We will be poor of money but rich in spirit.

I will get to enjoy my children and my husband and take life in with them.

So I will use my two degrees to raise three...(or four) children well and be a domestic goddess.

We go back in two weeks...

just to double check...

my doc may have seen two in there today...

(How much fun can I have?)

Oh, and we are buying a mini-van.

Whoop! Whoop!

Let’s get this party started.


  1. Congratulations!!!! We are very excited for you. Good for you for deciding to stay at home.

    Two at one time, is totally doable, I know! Congrats!

  2. I AM SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU. Congrats Congrats Congrats!!!!

    Amazing news and I couldn't be happier for you...for the baby, and the staying-at-home!

    That ROCKS!

  3. Congratulations on your new baby! You are really snuck that one in there. I almost missed it. And I am so happy that you decided to stay home. I knew it all along. You will be happier, no doubt!

  4. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you guys!

  5. Congrats!!! I totally understand the surving part each day. I am happy for you and hope that maybe one day...I could join your new adventure, but for now I will live through your blog posts!!

  6. holy holy holy holy! Are you serious!?!??!? You will be the best stay at home mom, eva!

  7. Wow!!! That is big news!!!! Congratulations, you will love being home with your babies. I can't wait to hear how many there are.

  8. How exciting! That is awesome! Keep us posted!!

  9. The whole family is so excited for you! Trin asked what the last pic was, but Clara immediately went "oh, cute! it's a baby!" Congratulations. I gave up lots to stay home with my little blessings, so if you need any tips, I'll send as many as i can think (in moderation) of.

  10. gave up isn't exactly the phrase i was going for now that i reread the post. more like, happily traded! i work hard to save money specifically to stay home. i am a much better wife and mother when i can dedicate most of my day to that important and worthwhile task! CONGRATULATIONS! You better come to sewing with the little one(s) once in a while so I can get my baby fix.

  11. Ahhhh...congrats Chance! You're a wonderful mommy and will make a terrific mommy of 3! Now, stop trying to catch up with me:-) Congrats on staying at home too. It can be a scary leap, but well worth it in the end!

  12. WHOOP WHOOOOOP indeed!!
    And yes.... your family and kids come first always!! Work will ALWAYS be there and you will be shocked at how easy your budget will suffice. You are making the right decisions and will have ZERO regrets about it. It was the best 7 years of my life!!! Congrats honey!!! Hope you get to stay at home for the next 8 years!!! :)

  13. Wonderful news! Congrats all around!!

  14. Oh, yay, I'm so glad you're getting a chance to stay at home. You're definitely cut out for it :) And it really is wonderful to be able to focus on your kids everyday without the stress of working full time. Congrats on that bun(s) in the oven! Will be quite an adventure!

  15. Chance I heart your decision ... And she didn't need to build wings she was already flying she just didn't know yet :) ... Love you

  16. Congrats Chance! Looking forward to many play dates now that you will be home with your kiddos!

  17. SHUT! UP! AGH!!! I am so stinkin' excited for you!! Seriously! I can't contain myself! I want to scream and give you a big hug! Congratulations, girl! I'm soo happy for you guys! :) And twins...maybe!? Aagh! The only thing that makes me sad is that Ashlyn won't be in your class next year now. :( But we'll cope. ;) Congratulations, miss stay-at-home mommy!

  18. WOW - I had a feeling this news would be coming...TWINS??? Yikes. Congrts. When are you due??? Glad you will get to be home...we need to get the kids together to play...

  19. CONGRATS, CHANCE!!! I am so happy for you and your family's new adventure. You will love it!!!

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