Sunday, October 10, 2010

Bibbity Bobbity Boo Year 2!

This was our second year venturing out to the Colorado Pumpkin Patch.
Whoop! Whoop!

AJ has been asking about going back for weeks.
As soon as he realized it was fall and pumpkin season was upon us...
we have been counting down the days to our pumpkin patch adventures.

Like mother, like son.
We love our fall!

Don't my children look super excited to get a snuggle hug from their momma.
Come on kids.
Work with me here...
Abby don't look so pissed off...
AJ pay attention...
there are not very many pictures with me in them.
Abby enjoyed the traditional ride down the slide.
Gotta' love that chubby cheek, toothy smile.
AJ only went down the slide...
approximately 500 times.
Andy has an odd thing about growing corn...
so naturally we had to take advantage of the corn photo opp.
Rain makes corn...
corn makes...
(We'll just stop there.)
Seriously getting a picture with all 5 children looking at the camera simultaneously
would have taken an act of
here is what ya get folks.
(notice it is my eldest child being purely uncooperative)
There is something so precious about witnessing buddies cracking up together...
at themselves.
I love wagon pics.

Gotta' love capturing a fleeting moment in a little boy's adventures with a good buddy.
Can they just stay this little forever?
As if slides, mazes, and a corn box wasn't enough for a little boy in one day,
the tractor ride sealed the deal.
"This was the best. pumpkin. patch. ever!"

And we even left with a pumpkin or two.

And this pic below, my friends is one of my most favorite pictures ever!
Happy fall y'all!
(Sorry, I just couldn't resist.)


  1. Yay! Fall! Who are all those kids, btw? And I see Girlfriend finally gets to wear that sweater! Is that one she got when she was born?

  2. I wanna go! Did you do the one at chatfield botanic gardens? My old roommate was going yesterday, too. Jim had to work :(
