Monday, September 6, 2010

In Less Than 24 Hours...

We ventured up to the mountains
with the grand intentions of "camping" for 2 days and nights in the family cabin...
Yes, I said cabin...
but there is no running water...
so as far as I am concerned it was camping.
We explored the great outdoors...
made a tire swing...
found a home for the said tire swing...
hung up the tire swing...
played on our new tire swing...

smashed pennies on railroad tracks...
did some more swinging...

blew bubbles...
played trains outside...

packed up and...
came home...after
one l.o.n.g restless night...

where we attempted to sleep on the couch in the front room
(due to a mice infested cabin bedroom)...
(scream...gag...throw up a little in your mouth..whimper softly & tell your child you love camping with a strained smile on your face)

where Abby screamed from 10:30pm to 3:30am...
where Latte thought my head (I. kid. you. not.) was the best place to sleep for the night...
where the temperature went from comfortable to stuffy hot to freakin' freeze your butt off cold.

Next year we can just pitch a tent in our back yard
or something.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot WAIT until your children are old enough to appreciate your blog. Where they look back, years from now, and totally enjoy the fact that their parents went GUNG HO into childhood adventures and memory-making moments!

    Seriously...if you can teach them that the ice cream truck is out of ice cream, you can convince them that their backyard is camping! :)
