Friday, August 20, 2010

And The....

Mullet of the year goes to........




All business in the front...
party in the back.

(sorry baby girl)

Last weekend we ventured up to the mountains for a family hike.
AJ kept asking when we were going to put up the tent.
Me: "What tent AJ? We are just hiking."

AJ: "What is hiking?"

Me: "Walking and climbing on a trail like we are doing right now."

AJ: "Well this is boring. When do we put up the tent?"

Me: "There. is. no. tent."

AJ: "Well, I don't understand hiking."

Me: "You just enjoy nature and get exercise."

AJ: "I need to go potty."

Me: "Of course you do. Okay...well...on a hike, we go potty in nature."

AJ: "You mean. you want. me to pee right here?"

Me: "Yup."
AJ: "Will my pee make the tree grow bigger?"

Me: "Yup."

AJ: "Cool."

AJ: "Mom, are we in the woods?"

Me: "Yes."

AJ: "Is there wildlife in these woods."

Me: "Yes."
AJ: "I want to go home."

Me: "You are safe."

AJ: "I think daddy needs to carry me."

Me: "Daddy is carrying Abby."

Me: "Or not."

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