Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Little Bit of Sunshine

I am tired of the snow & cold.

I needed a bit of sunshine.
This makes me smile.
After a deep breath, I cut up a vintage tablecloth that has been hiding in my linen closet.

I have children...I don't use tablecloths anymore.
It is much happier as a banner.

Do you spy that absolutely fabulous yellow ribbon?!
I. love. it!
If I were a ribbon...that is the ribbon I would be...
yellow...with scallops...& polka dots...perfect!

The most radiant friend gave it to me.
She is amazing.
I want to be her.

How can you not smile when you glance up & are greeted by such a banner?!
I might make a few for the shop....what do you think...will people love it like I love it?...

"for the shop"...oh that is just too stinkin' fun to type and read!

Here is a tiny sneak peak at a couple other little projects I have been working on...
for the shop.


  1. OMG! Can't wait to see YOUR SHOP! That's so great. I knew it would be your destiny. And I love the banner. So bright and lovely. I'd love to see it in different fabrics and colors. Maybe new house with a new fireplace needs a pendant banner?

  2. OMG OMG OMG!!! You seriously already made something out of that?!?!?! You are a genius!! And YES!! Make some of those suckers!! They are too fun NOT to make!! And... um.... I want to be YOU when I grow up!! Thanks for hangin' with us!!

  3. I love your cute hair bows!! I am in the market for a cute gift for a little girl's 1st bday!! I will be looking at your shop!!
