Thursday, February 25, 2010

Daddy's Apron

Andy & AJ like to cook together.
A little while back Andy got something on his shirt while they were cooking, 
and AJ said, "Daddy, you need an apron. "

Then Andy had a stroke of genius and said,
"Wow. That's a great idea AJ.  Maybe mom could make me one.  Would you like to pick out the fabric for my new apron?"

You see...
it was the last part that got him in trouble.

I am not sure why Andy was surprised with how this played out.
What did he really expect a 3 & a half year old to pick out?...
Something manly?

Once AJ set his eyes on it, there was no going back.
The child was in love, & that was the fabric that was destined to be daddy's apron.

I call it:
The Wheels On The Bus Go Round & Round.

& daddy must wear it every time he cooks.
AJ approves of the final apron:


  1. I will wear it with pride - andy

  2. i love it!!! tell AJ he did a great job. stacey

  3. I love preschoolers!!! What an awesome daddy! Way to wear with pride! Jade :)
