Thursday, December 24, 2009

Our Little Shepherd & A Hazardous Trip To The North Pole

When I asked AJ if he was excited about being a shepherd for his Christmas program... 
He said he would rather be a zebra...
of course he would...


What could be better than Polar Express & popcorn?

Polar Express in 3-D.

AJ just kept saying, "That is not safe!  It is just not safe, mom." the. entire. movie.
He was hanging by a thread until the kid made it home safely in the end.

Scooby Doo scarred the child for life & Polar Express gave the kid an ulcer.
We better stick to Thomas around here from now on.

Girlfriend thought she would take advantage 
of AJ being distracted, totally on edge by his alarming train movie 
help herself to his juice...
She is a sneaky one, I tell ya.


  1. You tell the best stories through you pictures. Polar express 3D!!! How fun! Abby is sneaky. Does she know how to drink through a straw now?

  2. I can't believe how much girlfriend is starting to look like AJ. Happy Holidays.
