Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

I must say Christmas kind-a blind-sided me this year...
sucker punched me if you will...
snuck up & pulled the rug right out from under me...


I blinked and 6 months had gone by...

I blinked again & Christmas came & went...

But the memories will last forever...

Nana Ann & Girlfriend bonding on Christmas Eve...
Something about a camera makes my son want to pick his nose...
Seriously AJ?!
And Abby screamed if we took the spoon away...
Really Girlfriend?!
And my eyes were closed in the other ten pictures we took...
So...much like our Easter picture...we just can't all get it together at the same time for a photo...
This is real...
The kiddos were gifted with a play kitchen built by their Great Grandfather Jack 
that Nana Ann used to play with as a kiddo.
I just love items with such true authentic value.
I wish now that I would have saved more of my childhood toys...
They went nuts!  
They haven't stopped playing in it since Christmas morning!
Santa even brought plastic food for the kitchen!
Lots of plastic food...

The following gift is the beginning...of something I never thought would happen at the young age of 3...
AJ in complete amazement, "This is what I wanted from on-line!  Wow!"
Thank you Disney for target marketing my young impressionable child...
"My own video game!"
Again, Thank You Disney for bringing our first video game into the house...
for the cheap price of $80...
AJ was super excited about his stocking....
The Christmas stocking was always the best part of my Christmas growing up.
My mom always filled our stockings to the brim with fabulous treasures...
treasures special and unique to each of us...
treasures that I always eagerly anticipated & never found disappointing...
treasures I hope my kiddos always look forward to as well... 
& Baby Girl got her first doll from Aunt Jess.
She just snuggle loves that creepy looking thing like nobody's business!
And according to AJ Santa left "the coolest gift e.v.e.r." around Nana & Papa's tree:
The "red train that goes by itself" has been on AJ's wish list since he spotted it at Home Depot & threw an award winning tantrum for weeks ago.  
It is his "most favorite best present ever".
& in other news:
Girlfriend has taken 4 independent consecutive steps now...
but she can scale a case of stairs in seconds flat...
This chicka is going to be trouble once she realizes the power of her independence. 
It is only a matter of time...
& I leave you with the pure joy of a three year old discovering the treasures that await inside yet a second stocking...

Peace out friends.  
I hope you also had a fabulous Christmas with your families!


  1. wow! AJ looks Kalin!!!...and like me :) LB seems to look like Abby as even his own daddy mistook a picture of Abby snuggling her new dolly from aunt jess for his son. LOL Merry Christmas. Love you, Recca
