Friday, November 20, 2009

A Sweater Reincarnated & A Turkey Surprise

Something strange happened after I had Girlfriend.
All my clothes shrank.

It's a sad thing really.
Some of my favorite clothes 
just were not gonna happen ever again.

I was having a hard time letting this one go:
It was cute with jeans...
great with slacks...
fun under a denim jacket...

I tried to wear it one last time, 
but a good friend tells ya when your underwear are showing...
our time together was over...perhaps long overdue.

And yet, there it was...
still in my closet taunting me.

Until I came across this fabulous idea!
And now my beloved sweater lives on!
Cuter than ever upon this bald head.
I am just smitten with that vintage button.
that little girl under the button!

Oh, and by the way...
I do have two children...
AJ is just never around to be photographed.
He is busy with maintaining his friendships one day a week at daycare, 
preschool 2 days a week, and speech language therapy.

The other day I caught him in a free moment 
to share a turkey surprise (cookie with a turkey ring) with me after nap time.
It was great.
We reconnected over really bad grocery store neon frosting, sprinkles,
 and plastic turkey jewelry.
I just can't get enough of these two!


  1. These are my favorite pics! Where did you get the idea for the hat? She has the best eyes and head shape for a hat...covers up that bald head and poke out ears. Glad to see you love your other child too. I was starting to wonder. He of course holds a special place in my heart. His expressions are priceless. I love that he's so used to you taking pictures now that he just ignores you. :P

  2. I love the hat!! Really how do you do it! I seem to never have enough time. Maybe with Cooper sleeping better I will get to craft again (and blog)!

  3. The hat is the absolute cutest! What a great idea!!! I love the turkey treat too!
