Saturday, September 26, 2009

Candy Corn Bark, ABC AJ Shirt & Thomas

white chocolate chips
 mini pretzels
 crushed up oreos
 candy corn 
a.m.a.z.i.n.g candy corn bark!


It was only a matter of time before I had to play with AJ's name & the alphabet...

I think the hearts are cute...& no, 
he did not get beat up in preschool because of them.
AJ's dream came true today.

He got to meet his 

The one he wears on his underwear,
sleeps in at night,
carries to school on his backpack & lunch box,
plays with hours on end a day.

The one that cost us $70 for a 3-D birthday cake...yeah, that one.

He got to ride 
Thomas the train.

It was insane.
We had to park 3 miles away and be shuttled in.
Along with hundreds of other Thomas obsessed children.
His cousin, Corbin, was there to experience such a special day in AJ's lifetime.
They truly bonded.
Even have matching Harold the helicopter temporary tattoos now.
Andy may have been as excited as AJ, 
but he didn't get to have a Harold tattoo.
& yes he asked if he could get one.

AJ got to sit in Aunt Val's fire truck...
& spray the fire hose.
It pays to know people.

Highlight of my day:
AJ hopped off the shuttle bus and independently said, 
"Thanks you!"
to the bus driver.
My little sassy Mister might end up with good manners...


  1. Okay, let's try this again. My first comment failed. I'm going to try your recipe for the bark. It looks so yummy. I love the shirt. It's so modern the way you attached the alpha tape. Yay for AJ getting to rid Thomas and ride the fire truck. What's a lucky man. So my question: video?


    If I gain 10 lbs from making this yummy recipe, I now know who I can blame...hehe!

    Love the shirt--and he got to ride Thomas?! I can only imagine the happiness that was overflowing from him :)
