Tuesday, September 8, 2009

AJ's First Day Of Preschool

Here is the little man with his Thomas back pack!
Man, he looks like trouble...
(just pretend you don't see the mess behind AJ in the picture below...okay...thanks)
He was ready to go!...even though I was struggling...just a bit...
kinda wanted to keep him little forever...

dang...now I know what it is like for parents to leave their kids in their teacher's hands...
I think I will forever be a softer teacher after this morning...

Daddy told me I had to leave after AJ found his name...
I left...slowly...reluctantly...
He didn't even notice...
I guess it is better that way...
My little boy all grown up...

tear...lots of tears...sniffle...big sniffle...


  1. That's a good thing he wasn't crying! Otherwise you'd be worried all day about him! I'm so excited for AJ! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. Ugh...what a hard day. You are a great momma.

  3. I know I was a good teacher, but I also know I would be better now....having a Mama's perspective changes things.
