Friday, August 21, 2009

I'm Giddy...It's Like Crack, Only Better!

It is coming together!
My 12 half yards of fabric are starting to look like a quilt!
I'm so excited, I can't hardly handle it!

Look at all these pins...

Now if you know me, you know I am an impatient crafter.  
I like to sit down and finish a project before I walk away.
Hence the finish the 7 week quilt along in 5 days...

So things like pins are just annoying to me...they take so much time...
but I am so intimidated by the idea of making a quilt that I am following each step with precision.
47 pins per row of precision....

Look at all those pins & straight lines & ironed seams!!!
I can hardly contain myself!!!

Check her out, my first two rows sewn together!
My heart is racing...I'm not kidding!
I am such a nerd!...I know it.

I'm thinking of naming her...or would that just be weird?...

47 pins = perfect corners!!!
Check these babies out!

And for the first time in this project, I feel like I can do it.

I. can. actually. make. a. quilt!


  1. You can do it! And I knew you could. It's amazing and totally you! I'm in love too! I can't believe you had that many pins!

  2. Can I just say that your quilt?

    Is absolutely stunning!

    I love it! And you should so name her :)

  3. Oh, talented.

  4. crazy!!!
    I didn't use a single pin.
    my a.d.d. is too bad.
    but my corners came out CRAZY!!!
    good thing I am nowhere near a perfectionist
    I could only dream of having rad matching squares.
    Maybe next time.
