Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Arts & Crafts Around Our House

One of the things I love about my job is that I teach in a year round school,
 so every 6-9 weeks or so I get to be a stay at home mom for three weeks....

we get to do things like eat breakfast on the deck in our pj's...
bake cupcakes...
finger paint for an hour...

This takes serious concentration...
a proper paint smock...
a joy for touching all things gooey and slimy...
and a great art easel.
After we painted, I decided to try my hand at making pillows...
to which my yoga obsessed sister enthusiastically said,
"Make me one!"

Then Abby got one...

(I can't show any more pillows because they are Christmas gifts...)

BUT, I can show you how my quilt along is going...

something about week 1 made my OCD very happy...
look at all those clean cut straight lines...

All of these arts & crafts just plum tuckered Girlfriend out!
Peace Out Rainbow Trout!


  1. I love it when you're off-track. I look forward to your daily craft posts. It makes my heart happy. Did GF falls asleep mid roll on the floor there?

    And oh, my, god! I can't believe I get a pillow original. I can't wait for it! Before you know it, AJ is going to be sewing with you.

  2. I love to see all your crafts too! And does AJ get paint on the carpet?

  3. You have to teach me!!! how fun!!!!
