Sunday, May 31, 2009

Instead Of A Hat

So, I bought this pattern to make Girlfriend a yellow sun hat for the summer...& ended up making her an outfit & a shirt instead.  I'll get back to the sun hat someday soon.

I have never sewn with a pattern before.  I am a self-taught seamstress...
"seamstress" kind-a insinuates that I know what I am doing...
I don't.  
I fumble through my projects, making many mistakes as I go...curse at my sewing machine, constantly reach for the owner's manual, rip out many stiches...
it is an intense process for me.
(notice the pattern says EASY on the front...humm)  Maybe seamstress is too generous...not sure I'm in the seamstress league yet.
The good news is that the pictures & directions in the pattern are starting to be less confusing to me as I go & Abby is too young to notice my sewing imperfections.
Maybe one day I will actually know what I am doing...until then I will just keep playing.


  1. oh they are so cute maybe i should try to sew you get me so excited about trying new things miss you guys

  2. I see an etsy shop in your future. :)
    Stellar work. I'm still not sold on starting sewing, but I love that I know someone who does. Now, once I have a kid, I can just send you a pattern I want sewn.

  3. Impressive!! I knew you could do it!! They are just is your little model! : )
    love ya, Recca

  4. Wow! You've got some skillz! :) Love love love the outfits. Nice job.

  5. You did a great job - Congrats!

  6. I'm jealous of your skills...I want a sewing machine so bad!

    I've never used one--so I was laughing as I was reading about you cursing and ripping stitches out. That'll be me one day! Ha!

    But seriously? Your outfits are adorable!!
