Thursday, February 19, 2009

AJ's Thomas Apron

To wrap up the day, I threw together a quick, easy Thomas apron for Little Dude.  

When I found him to model his new apron for a pic, he was in mommy and daddy's bathroom with daddy's gel and mommy's hair spray fixing his hair...


  1. Oh my god. So cute! Fixing his hair. He could only get that from the only couple I know who take the same amount of time fixing their hair. Just kidding. The kid has style and now he'll be choo chooing while cooking. What a great idea! You're truly super mommy!

  2. I'm so impressed that you have time to bake and sew! My dishes don't get done, and neither does my sewing or scrapbooks!

  3. Awwww so cute! I am so envious of your crafting time!!! Hopefully now that Boris is done throwing up and my hell week at work is over I can get back to some of my own =)
