Sunday, December 28, 2008

Abby's Very Pink Hair Bow Holder

Although AJ didn't have enough hair for a haircut until he was 18 months old...I have high hopes that Abby will have hair.  In fact, you could say I have become obsessed with hair bows lately.  Today I made her a hair bow holder to contain her growing collection.  I am excited with how it turned out!  We hung it low on her wall, so she can eventually see herself in the mirror.  Fun!  


  1. Love all your recent posts...especially those cute reindeer back there!! I see you have about half the time left before baby comes!! Are you like me and occasionally screaming inside at the sheer terror/thrill/excitement of it all?

    Hope you are feeling well! :)

  2. OMG! I had a bow holder when I was little and it made me so happy. :) What a good momma you are!

  3. I love the bow holder. I made one for a friend's baby shower. It also inspired one of my other friends to make one for her daughter. Keep the ideas coming... do you have any crafty little boy ideas??????
