Saturday, November 22, 2008

Meet Belle

Belle is a two year old, three and a half pound miniature apple head chihuahua that dresses better than me.  Her extensive wardrobe ranges from her doggles, as seen here, to rain coats, snow boots, pajamas, and so many sweaters she now has a drawer in my sister's dresser.  You may think...what a spoiled little dog...but she is truly royalty as she is a descendent of 6 champion show dogs.  I first met Belle on my recent trip to see my family when her apple head suddenly poked out my my sister's purse...or so I thought it was my sister's was actually one of her many carrying cases that coordinates with her outfits.  What a hoot this little dog can be!  If I weren't having a baby girl, I could have just gotten a little dog to dress up.  Kallie quickly escapes her pink sweater and Latte is too spastic to capture and attempt to dress.  

1 comment:

  1. Right, like another dog is just what you need. Gotta admit that dog's got style. I just don't know how I feel about a creature that has more style than I do. There's something definitely wrong with that...and it might be me. :)
