Sunday, October 12, 2008

Curtains, Trains, and Pumpkin Bars...Oh My!

When I fell in love with a vintage floral fabric at Joann's this week and Andy agreed it was cute, I went for it!  15 yards of fabric and a day behind the sewing machine later, Abby has curtains!  As I was measuring, cutting, and sewing...Andy and AJ were busy setting up AJ's new train track.  A neighbor offered us a smoking deal on her son's train set, and I haven't seen Andy or AJ since!  As the boys played with their trains this afternoon, I filled the house with the smell of pumpkin and cinnamon!  Check out the recipe of these amazing pumpkin bars from Little Bit Funky!     


  1. Glad the curtains turned out so well! How fun.

  2. Wow. Look at Ms. Nester go! I'm glad Abby will have curtains! Yay!

  3. I can't wait to see her room- and yea to fun new yummy recipes for the fall!

  4. Thanks for sharing your pumpkin bars. De lish!

  5. Yay! I hope you loved the pumpkin bars. :)

  6. You are such a great mom, & you definitely have a little Martha
    Stewart in you! I love the curtains. Hopefully you'll post pics soon of Abby's room when you're done. How is everything going?
