Saturday, June 14, 2008

My Bucket List

We watched The Bucket List this weekend which made me start thinking about what ambitions I would like to check off before I kick the bucket. It is a work in progress, but here is a start:

My Bucket List:
Snuggle love my children's children

own a pair of kelly green cowgirl boots

take photography classes

get a tramp stamp (after I'm done having kids and back in shape?)

take an Alaskan Cruise
plant and cook with veggies from my own garden
take my kids to Disney land
learn to fly fish
perfect art of sewing
ride a tandem bike
rent a Tuscan villa
explore the Grand Canyon
mountain bike
perform in a community play
ballroom dance in a gorgeous formal gown
make a wedding cake

take a girls trip with all of my sisters


  1. I love that you made a "bucket list"! I have had a life-list for awhile - and it is fun to be able to check things off! I haven't seen that movie yet! I should!

  2. Tramp stamp...HA! Love it! I'll hold your hand while you get it!
