Thursday, October 29, 2009

Home Bound

And so the blog slacker returns to Blogland...
As she is trapped in her house due to 2 feet of snow!
2. feet. of. snow. in October!
 This never happened in Kansas.

What does this mean?...

It means 2 snow days off from school so far (crossing my fingers about Friday)...
many parent teacher conferences to reschedule...
and seemingly endless hours...I mean...endless opportunities to keep 2 dogs and 2 kids busy...

which has gone from fending off a 3 year old that is convinced that he really should have some Halloween presents to unwrap...
unthawing the pumpkin from the front porch and carving
AJ was pretty excited to "open his pumpkin!"
Until I told him to reach in and pull out the insides:

AJ demanded that Day-Day (his pumpkin) have a circle nose just like him.  
It took me some convincing to talk him out of Day-Day having a sad face...
AJ went for the triangle scary mouth instead.  
Thank goodness.  
What would you think if you walked up to a house with a frowny Jack-O-Latern?

And the best part:
Sugar & Spice Roasted Pumpkin Seeds!

Recipe from:  By Diana Rattray,


1 cup pumpkin seeds

1 tablespoon melted butter or vegetable oil

1 tablespoon granulated sugar, or more, to taste

1/2 to 1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

1/8 teaspoon allspice


Rinse seeds well and get as much of the pumpkin pulp off of them as possible.  Some of the small pieces are going to adhere, but they won't hurt the seeds at all, and might even add a little more flavor.  Pat dry with paper towels.  Don't let them dry completely on the paper towels, because they might stick!

Toss seeds with the butter, sugar, and spices.
Heat oven to 300°. Spread coated seeds in a shallow baking sheet, turning from time to time, for about 45 to 60 minutes, or until nicely browned and crunchy.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ask AJ What A Ghost Says & You'll Get A:

In between loads of laundry...and procrastinating grading this morning, 
I made a BOO banner!
Super fun & super easy!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Bibbity Bobbity Boo!

A pumpkin for AJ, A pumpkin for Abby,
A mountain of hay...
& a slide too!

This little hay bump to the left...
sent him spinning...
flipped him over...
& only increased the thrill of the ride...
prompting a few more (like 20) trips up the hill & down the slide...

(Does petting animals really count if you are wearing mittens?)
The bitter temperature of 43 degrees and howling winds didn't seem to slow AJ down.
He was on a mission...
a pumpkin mission.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My First Blog Award!

Rocky Mountain Memoirs gave me a blog award today!

How stinkin' fun is that?!

The rules of the "One Lovely Blog Award are:  Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.  Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered.  Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.  Now it's my turn to pass it along!

I want to pass this award on to several great blogs that make me smile:

Check them out!  They will cheer up your day!